In Acts 17:11, Dr.
Luke records the account of the noble Bereans who were so willing to learn and
grow. They received the message with
great eagerness and examined the Scriptures daily to see if what Apostle Paul said was
true. I picture this eagerness as on-the-edge-of-your-seat
readiness, with your spirit fully active and alert to receive everything Holy
Spirit wants to say to you as you hear the Word.
Below is a declaration of readiness to receive the Word with
eagerness. I mined the gold of this
declaration from the words of the Lord Jesus in Matthew 13:9-18, 35. Apply
this treasure by declaring it for yourself whenever you are preparing your
heart to hear God’s Word, both before your own daily Bible study and in
corporate gatherings.
In the Name of Jesus, I declare…
I have ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to His Church.
I receive from Jesus the knowledge of the secrets of the Kingdom
of Heaven.
As I hear, I hear and understand.
As I see, I see and perceive.
My heart is soft.
My ears and eyes are open.
I see with my eyes, hear with my ears, and understand with
my heart.
I turn to Jesus, and I am healed.
Blessed are my eyes for they see.
Blessed are my ears for they hear.
Blessed is my heart for I understand.
Many prophets and righteous people longed to see what I see
and to hear what I hear.
I will listen then to what the Word means.
Holy Spirit, I ask You to seal this declaration of truth and cause it to
become fully true in my life as I receive Your Word with eagerness. In Jesus’ Name – Amen!
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